Florence Sawyer School Handbook
“All students, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, sexual
orientation, disability or homelessness, have equal access to the general education
program and the full range of any occupational/vocational education programs
offered by the District.”
Families Requesting Translation
Students or families who need translation assistance or orientation in a language
other than English may contact the district ELE Program Coordinator,
Kristen Lambert, at klambert@nrsd.net.
Familias que Necesitan Traduccion
Los estudiantes o familias de habla hispana que desean ayuda en
traduccion o orientacion en unidioma diferente del Inglés pueden contactarse con
la maestra/coordinadora de Inglés como unSegundo Idioma (ESL), ELE Program
Coordinator, Kristen Lambert, at klambert@nrsd.net.
Familias que Prescisam de Traducao
Os estudantes ou familias quem fala Portugues que precisa de assistenciacom
traduco ou orientacao podecomunicar com a professora/cordenadora de Inglés
como Segundo Indioma(ESL), ELE Program Coordinator, Kristen Lambert, at