Overnight, we are expecting weather conditions that may impact the morning commute. Our team is closely monitoring the forecast and will coordinate with local DPWs early in the morning to assess road conditions. While we anticipate no disruptions to school operations, any decision to delay the start of school will be communicated by 5:30 a.m. tomorrow.

Innovation Pathways students in the Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing Pathway got the chance to tour the building site for the new NRHS high school and talked to a Consigli Construction Surveyor.

Seven students were chosen to represent Nashoba in this year's Massachusetts Music Educators Association (MMEA) Future Music Educators Summit. This is an opportunity for students in grades 9-12 who may be interested in pursuing a degree in music education someday, and an opportunity for our students to meet with other students from around Massachusetts who are in leadership roles.

Congratulations to Thea Tully, who accepted the 2024-2025 Middle Level Social Studies Teacher of the Year Award from the National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) today!! To learn more about this impressive accomplishment, check out our September news story! https://www.nrsd.net/article/1766026

Make sure to save some room! This Thursday (11/21) our cafeterias will be serving a feast! Check out the flyer to see more about what you can expect.

First graders at FSS created a product that fulfils a need or solves a problem within their classroom in small groups. Then, they wrote a description of what their group created, why they created it, and the tools they used to create it!

Seventh graders at Florence Sawyer made elephant toothpaste as they explored how matter can transform from one substance into another. Check out the video below!

TODAY is the LAST day to register for tomorrow's Family University: Attendance Counts, Setting Students up for Success! Click below to learn more and register!

Reminder: Nashoba Regional School District is closed today, Monday, November 11, 2024, in observance of Veterans Day. See you tomorrow!

Students and families from across the district gathered last week for the annual EL Family Night!

There's still time to register! NESCA's Director of Transition Services Kelley Challen, Ed.M., CAS, will be hosting a webinar TONIGHT, Wednesday, October 30th, at 6:00 PM, geared towards learning about IEP transition planning and the most important skills to develop while students are still in middle and high school. Register below!

Middle School Cross Country runners came together for the annual Tri-Town Meet last week!

Last chance to register for our second Family University session! This session is centered around meeting the new Director of Student Services, Roann Demanche, and learning more about the new IEP. For more details see our flyer, and register below!

Coming up this week! Nashoba Associated Boards of Health will be holding a flu shot clinic at NRHS on Thursday, 10/24. All appointments will require pre-registration. Pre-register below!

We're also featuring the FSS Cafeteria in our Plate of the Day round up! FSS students enjoyed Incredibowls General Tso's Chicken style which they could grab on the go, as well as several sandwich and salad options! Check back tomorrow as we cover our Lancaster cafeterias!

The district's new five day pre- k model across all three towns has been highly praised by families, and the students are enjoying being in school! There are still a few spaces remaining in our half day and full day integrated pre-kindergarten programs for students who are 3 and 4 years old. Please reach out to Kristen Ryan, Director of Early Childhood at kryan@nrsd.net for more information.

Nashoba Associated Boards of Health will be holding flu shot clinics across Massachusetts throughout the month of October! Locally, clinics will be held at the Pompositticut Community Center in Stow on Saturday, 10/19, and at NRHS on Thursday, 10/24. Click below to pre-register.

NRHS is exploring a new Information Pathway focused on broadcasting, digital media, computer science, and more! Families with students in Grades 6-10, please discuss with your kids and complete our brief survey by Oct 11th. Your input matters!

The Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) will hold its business meeting tonight, Tuesday, October 8th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. This virtual meeting is open to all families and caregivers interested in learning more about SEPAC initiatives and supporting students receiving special education services. You can join via Google Meet link below. https://meet.google.com/kgm-dgid-vpa

The Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) will hold its next business meeting on Tuesday, October 8th from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. This virtual meeting is open to all families and caregivers interested in learning more about SEPAC initiatives and supporting students receiving special education services. You can join via Google Meet link below. https://meet.google.com/kgm-dgid-vpa